Biodiversity Informatics Network (TDWG)


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Biodiversity Informatics Network (TDWG)

  • Understand what TDWG is doing and how it proceed?


Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) is a non-profit organization and a community dedicated to developing biodiversity information standards. To achieve its goals, TDWG:

see TDWG website for more.

TDWG 2023 Hobart


TDWG is an open, bottom-up organization. Anyone can become a member, individuals as well as institutions (including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, programs, and projects). Everything TDWG produces comes from the expertise, collaboration, and support of its members - people and organizations who create, manage, integrate, and analyze biodiversity information.

As an example, let’s see the How we developed a Data Exchange Format: Lessons Learned from Camera Trap Data Package (Camtrap DP). Presented by Peter Desmet as part of the TDWG 2023 Hybrid Annual Conference in Hobart, Tasmania.


Darwin Core is a standard maintained by the Darwin Core Maintenance Interest Group.

What is Darwin Core, and why does it matter?

The Darwin Core Standard (DwC) offers a stable, straightforward and flexible framework for compiling biodiversity data from varied and variable sources.


TDWG annual conferences provide a showcase for state of the art biodiversity informatics, much of which relies on the standards created by TDWG and other organizations. Our conferences also provide a forum for developing, refining, and extending our standards in response to new challenges and opportunities.

Key Points

  • TDWG community

  • TDWG standards

  • TDWG conferences