Continuing the Conversation
Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 120 minQuestions
How do I continue my work after the workshop?
Where do I go to look for help with DwC alignment?
How do I provide feedback about this workshop?
Complete the (optional) post-workshop survey.
Thank you for attending the workshop!
Our hope that you were able to register to GBIF and submit some of your data. If not, this is just the beginning and work needs to continue beyond the workshop. The national Node and the entire GBIF community will help you to succeed.
“Creativity comes from applying things you learn in other fields to the field you work in.” Aaron Swartz
Post-Workshop Survey
If you wish to provide feedback please use this post-workshop survey.
GBIF’s Technical Support Hour
The theme for March session of the Technical Support Hour for nodes is GBIF’s data quality workflow. We will go through how published data is processed in terms of quality checks, show how you can get an overview of the flags and issues of datasets, how users provide publically accessible feedback and how you can navigate the feedback yourself.
The event will take place on the 6th of March 2024 at 4pm CET (UTC+1)
Further readings
This section cover some useful links grouped by topics.
GBIF documentation
Key documents
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Data Publisher agreement
- Quick guide to publishing data through
- Data User agreement
- Citations guidelines
- IPT: The Integrated Publishing Toolkit
Other useful resources
On Data Standards
Well established ones
- Darwin Core Quick reference guide
- Darwin Core Hour - Webinar Series by iDigBio
- Access to Biological Collection Data (ABCD)
Emerging ones
On Georeferencing
On Persistent identifiers
Key Points