GBIF Discussion


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 60 min
  • Group discussion


  1. Data Standardization: Discuss the role of data standardization in ensuring interoperability and usability of biodiversity data across different platforms, including GBIF hosted portals, GRSciColl, and IPT. How can we encourage data publishers to adhere to established standards?

  2. Metadata Management: Explore strategies for managing metadata associated with biodiversity datasets. How can metadata standards be applied consistently across different platforms to improve data discoverability and usability?

  3. Quality Control and Assurance: Address the importance of quality control and assurance processes in maintaining the reliability and accuracy of biodiversity data hosted on GBIF portals. How can data publishers and GBIF collaborate to ensure data quality?

  4. Capacity Building: Explore opportunities for capacity building initiatives to empower researchers and institutions to utilize GRSciColl, and IPT effectively. How can training programs and resources be tailored to the needs of different user groups?

  5. Sustainability: Consider the long-term sustainability of GRSciColl and IPT. What are some challenges and opportunities for ensuring the continued operation and development of these platforms?

  6. **A histed portal for your institute or network?” Discuss the possibility to start a hosted portal for your institute or network. What would be your way to go!?

Discussion challenge

Choose a topic to discuss in your group. 30 minutes for group discussion. 30 minutes for reporting back to the room. 5-6 persons per group.


Report back to the room on your group discussion

Key Points

  • How GBIF works