The GBIF registry
Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 minQuestions
Get used to the GBIF Registry
Understand what it can deliver?
Explore GBIF API, Pygbif, Rgbif
This presentation will introduce you to GBIF Registry( a core component of GBIF architecture ).
Exercise 1 : Find your organisation in the Registry
Within your browser:
- List the publishing organizations from Croatia
- Get all details of your organization, (or another one if you are not in the list)
- Gets a list of datasets published by this organization
Solution 1
Exercise 2 : use Python or R programming
With Pygbif or Rgbif packages:
- List the publishing organizations from Croatia
- Get all details of your organization, (or another one if you are not in the list)
- Gets a list of datasets published by this organization
Solution 2
Key Points
GBIF Registry
Pygbif & Rgbif
Webservices API