Discussion on data publication


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Do you ready to publish your biodiversity data in an open way

  • What are your concerns

  • What do you want to change

  • Discussion on the principles of Open Science

  • Discussion on FAIR data.

  • Discussion on data publication

Become a data publisher for GBIF

The Endorsement procedure

The endorsement procedure aims to ensure that:



Discussion on data publication


  1. Data Publishing Challenges: What are your personal thresholds in relation to Biodiversity Data Publication? How would you make your data acceptable for publication.

Writing a data policy for an institution for 81+ scientists is a difficult assignement.

  1. Data Licensing and Usage Policies:: Are you willing to publish unde CC0 - CC-BY or CC-BY-NC?

Not in favour of CC0, discussion on CC-BY and CC-BY-NC , CC-BY might be an option. CC-BY-NC. CC-BY vr CC-NC discussion

  1. Your Institutes view: What is the position of your institute on open Biodiversity data publication?

Anyone in general is “pro’ open data publication, but questions arise… Are they willing to do this, the answer can be different for eacht person. PPNEA –> dealing with the donors of the data is also an issue. In many cases it is not only the institute or researchers who decide. Different type of data, some will be open availabe, some are sensitive (there are different cases)…. Also need to interact with 3rd parties.

  1. Impact and Outcomes: Reflect on the impact and outcomes of data publication through GBIF. How can the availability of biodiversity data through GBIF contribute to scientific research, conservation efforts, and policymaking? Data literacy is needed. In Croatia biodiversity data and nature protection area, open data are in the process and leading. Talk to persons or talk also to the institutions. Create obligations….?

Not a lot of discussion needed, it a facht (no opinion). Also think about the sensitive data. (open or aggregated?) Open data awareness raiing is required and also in education.

Discussion challenge

Choose a topic to discuss in your group. 30 minutes for group discussion. 30 minutes for reporting back to the room. 5-6 persons per group.


Report back to the room on your group discussion

Key Points

  • Open Science & FAIR data