The GBIF nodes, governance and network


Teaching: 45 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How is GBIF organized

  • Understanding the GBIF governance and bodies

1: GBIF participation

GBIF participation

Exercise 1: Investigate Croatia participation in GBIF

  • Find out information on Croatia on
  • In which regional network is Croatia?
  • Explore Croatia Country page


  • Europe and Central Asia

2: The Nodes

A node is a team designated by a Participant to coordinate a network of people and institutions that produce, manage and use biodiversity data, collectively building an infrastructure for delivering biodiversity information.

Nodes meets every year either globally or regionlly.

ECA Nodes meeting

Exercise 2: Seek information on the Croatian Node

  • When did Croatia joined the GBIF network?
  • Who is the contact person for the Croatian Node?
  • How much data publishers from Croatia?


  1. 2022
  2. No contact details
  3. Two data publishers

3: GBIF Governance

GBIF Governance

Exercise 3: Governing Board and Standing Committee

  • Which country did host the two last Governing Bards?
  • Who is the Chair of the Science Committee?


  1. Australia in 2023 & Belgium in 2022
  2. Birgit Gemeinholzer is Science Committee Chair

Key Points

  • The GBIF Participants

  • The GBIF Nodes network

  • The GBIF Governance