GBIF Discussion


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 60 min
  • Group discussion


What challenges are next in relation to:

  1. Data Quality: Discuss the challenges and strategies for ensuring the quality of biodiversity data in GBIF. How can we address issues such as incomplete or inaccurate data?

Quality is important, and data should be verified (AI could help in some parts, but in the end you need well trained AI. Specialists are still very needed. Especially for difficult species. Imprtant shoul be the versioning of the verification of data . Spatial visualisation is important, and in the contract shoud be notad that data publication (quality data should be published)

  1. Data Access and Use: Explore the various ways researchers, policymakers, and the public can access and utilize the data available through GBIF. How can we maximize the impact of this data for conservation and research?

Maximizing the use of data. There is the need to improve the data coverage (geographically and also by environmental conditions.) Gap analysis…. Environmental variables. Support and collaborate with the for example Biodiversa+ and maximase the use of the data.

  1. Data Sharing and Collaboration: Discuss the importance of collaboration among institutions and countries in sharing biodiversity data through GBIF. How can we encourage more participation and data sharing?

Many advantages in sharing data to GBIF. Your work is visible for science and policy. New collaborations. It avoids (in some cases) repetition of collection. BEtter planning of data collection and avoid mistakes that were done in the past. Data what you share are already prepared and standardized…. Collaboration- A node is a good thing. More participation: more visibility to datasets and make them more usable. (small grants for institutions for data mobilization & digitizing)

  1. Technological Advances: Consider how technological advancements such as machine learning, remote sensing, and DNA sequencing are shaping the future of biodiversity data collection and analysis within GBIF.

We need to make more integration between BOLD and GBIF. Good thing they they are working on that!!

  1. Data Privacy and Security: Address concerns around data privacy and security within GBIF, particularly regarding sensitive species or locations. How can we balance open access with the need to protect sensitive information?**

Already addressed today and before. Privacy concers (is GDPR an issue , or maybe not :) ). Name and surname should be provided. Locations for sensitive species can be blurred, **species blurring is not a good thing!!!

  1. Capacity Building: Explore opportunities for capacity building initiatives to empower researchers, particularly in developing countries, to contribute to and utilize biodiversity data through GBIF.

    Recognize this recognition for GBIF in the citation. Use of bibliographicCitation in DwC should be promoted. In a call, an obligation for sharing data could be mantioned. If you publish in scientific papers before sharing with GBIF, you shoul make sure the connection is made More Workshops

  2. Monitoring and Assessment: Discuss how biodiversity data from GBIF can be used for monitoring changes in biodiversity over time and assessing the effectiveness of conservation efforts.

  3. Future Directions: Consider the future directions of GBIF and the role it can play in addressing global challenges such as climate change, habitat loss, and species extinction.

Discussion challenge

Choose a topic to discuss in your group. 30 minutes for group discussion. 30 minutes for reporting back to the room. 5-6 persons per group.


Report back to the room on your group discussion

Key Points

  • How GBIF works